Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Another Wednesday

How was your Wednesday?

This morning, a student from our neighboring High School was taken out of our building in an ambulance after taking an overdose of cold medicine. The student meant to do it, this wasn't an accident. I don't know how that student is, but I'm assured that he or she is now where they need to be - getting the help he or she so clearly cried out for.

This afternoon, one of our students casually mentioned to me that he had leukemia before he started Kindergarten. With "just the right questions" (apparently), I found out that he also had a 5 lb. tumor removed from his rib-cage/chest area when he was in 6th grade. The tumor had collapsed one of his lungs. When they removed the tumor, they took out two ribs as well, because the tumor had attached to them. He showed me the scars from the port and the Hickman catheter from his two chemos. He showed me where his ribs had been. There was more, but I'll leave that it is, I feel that I'm almost violating a trust by even writing this much.

Once again I'm gob-smacked by what I do NOT know about our students.

So there ya go....another Wednesday in the life of an Office Lady.


Blogger Sara said...

I can't believe the lives some of these kids lead. Like you also, I have such a heart for these...well..for better lack of a work "type" of kids. I hate saying "type" because some of the most brillant, kind, interesting people were those "type". To be honest, I rather have coffee with them then some other high schoolers.

Wow...back on course. The kids seem to really trust you and enjoy talking to you. They seek your advise and I am glad you are there for them.

Heres to a better week! Or at least a weekend with your granddaughter!

March 21, 2008 at 6:52 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey C!

You are EXACTLY where you should be, ya know? How many of those kids have you worked with since they were in grade school - that's a rhetorical question btw...

They know you, they like you, and above all, they trust you. The scars and secrets would remain under wraps if you hadn't earned their respect.

It's more than the toys they find to play with on your desk. You're INTERESTED in them and genuinely care about the chaos that often surrounds them.

It's real easy to find a reason not to organize a first class welcome for a young man who came home to die, to attend a memorial service, to speak at a student's funeral ... Easy, but not your style.

You care about them and they know that - because you have toys and because you never shirk the tough stuff ...

About the toys ... been looking for one of those yucky scorpions under-a-dome kind of paperweights ... nah, you don't need to thank me!


March 27, 2008 at 7:10 PM


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