Monday, April 28, 2008

How does that go again?

So, really - I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't been there myself.

Let's go back a week. Another senior was killed driving - oh I don't know, a bazillion miles an hour - on "the" road where the kids love to drive fast. You'd think that they'd have second thoughts since he's not the first one to die on that road. In fact, last year another senior died about 100 yards down the same road.

So, there's that.

Or...what about the student that called today to explain their absence. Seems mom is in the hospital. Why? Well, if we're being honest here - sounds like mom tried to kill herself. Too many of an assortment of meds. Prognosis? Not good I hear. Bleeding on the brain...yada yada yada. The irony has always been the CHILD we've had on the "suicide watch".

Or, later in the day today I hear about a different student who had attempted suicide last night. Not succesful. "Just" an attempt. Released from the hospital. That can't be right. I'm going to chalk this one up (for lack of a better explanation) to an "accidental" overdose.

Did I mention the student that passed out last week, fell face first onto his kitchen floor and knocked out two front teeth? We haven't seem him since. Even "alternative" kids have limits.

Or wait, what about the parent that "tripped over the cat" and ended up with 20 stitches in their head? Crazy sort of coincidence this time. Kids are dysfunctional. Attendance has been sporadic. Juvenile justice authorities involved. Damn cat.

Or the kid who had a fight with his parent....came into the office sobbing because that parent had bitten him on the arm. As a reminder, we are talking about "almost grown" kids here. Sobbing is a pretty big deal.

On another note....a student came into the office today to let us know she was happy.
Plain as that. Just wanted us to know she was happy.

Believe me. There's more. But, the details escape me at this SECOND...and I'm gonna let that be.

Yeah, how does that go again? I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen it all myself.


Blogger Sisu said...

I like the bright, shining moment of the student who just wanted to let you know she was happy! Nice breath of fresh air.

April 29, 2008 at 9:26 AM


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